Modern Times Forever sendiri akan ditayangkan di Gedung Stora Enso yang terletak di Helsinki, Finlandia, hanya satu kali pemutaran. Pasti penasaran film yang punya durasi sampai 10 hari ini akan bercerita tentang apa. Menurut BBC, Modern Times Forever merupakan bagian dari sebuah proyek bernama 'IHME Project 2011', selama 10 hari film ini akan menayangkan apa yang akan terjadi pada sebuah arsitektur gedung modern selama seribu tahun kedepan, gedung yang akan dijadikan eksperimen adalah Gedung Stora Enso sendiri yang akan menjadi tempat pemutaran film ini.
Tentu saja film ini tidak benar-benar berlangsung selama seribu tahun, tetapi akan secara fiksi menggambarkan apa yang akan terjadi pada gedung tersebut sebagai simbol arsitektur modern dan simbol ideologi, selama seribu tahun ketika manusia telah punah, sepertinya mungkin hanya waktu dan cuaca yang nantinya akan mempengaruhi bentuk gedung tersebut. Kira-kira ada yang berminat menonton Modern Times Forever? saya sendiri kemungkinan akan menyerah duluan.
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Photographers are also categorized based on the subjects they photograph. Some photographers explore subjects typical of paintings such as landscape, still life, and portraiture. Other photographers specialize in subjects unique to photography, including street photography, documentary photography, fashion photography, wedding photography, war photography, photojournalism, aviation photography and commercial photography.
Photographers are also categorized based on the subjects they photograph. Some photographers explore subjects typical of paintings such as landscape, still life, and portraiture. Other photographers specialize in subjects unique to photography, including street photography, documentary photography, fashion photography, wedding photography, war photography, photojournalism, aviation photography and commercial photography.
An amateur may make considerable sums entering work in contests for prize money or through occasional inclusion of their work in magazines or the archive of an agency. The term professional may also imply preparation, for example, by academic study, by the photographer in pursuit of photographic skills. There is no compulsory registration requirement for professional photographer status, so ambivalent or overlapping concepts apply here as they do in other areas of unregulated artistic activity, such as painting or writing.
An amateur may make considerable sums entering work in contests for prize money or through occasional inclusion of their work in magazines or the archive of an agency. The term professional may also imply preparation, for example, by academic study, by the photographer in pursuit of photographic skills. There is no compulsory registration requirement for professional photographer status, so ambivalent or overlapping concepts apply here as they do in other areas of unregulated artistic activity, such as painting or writing.
Photographers are also categorized based on the subjects they photograph. Some photographers explore subjects typical of paintings such as landscape, still life, and portraiture. Other photographers specialize in subjects unique to photography, including street photography, documentary photography, fashion photography, wedding photography, war photography, photojournalism, aviation photography and commercial photography.
As in other arts, the definitions of amateur and professional are not entirely categorical. A professional photographer is likely to take photographs to make money, by salary or through the display, sale or use of those photographs. An amateur photographer may take photographs for pleasure and to record an event, emotion, place, as a person without a monetary motivation.
A professional photographer may be an employee, for example of a newspaper, or may contract to cover a particular planned event such as a wedding or graduation, or to illustrate an advertisement. Others, including paparazzi and fine art photographers, are freelancers, first making a picture and then offering it for sale or display. Some workers, such as crime scene detectives, estate agents, journalists and scientists, make photographs as part of other work. Photographers who produce moving rather than still pictures are often called cinematographers, videographers or camera operators, depending on the commercial context.